Southland A&P Show
The Walling Contracting team are all looking forward to the Southland A&P Show on 2 March 2013. We’ll be there with our beet harvester, letting local farmers know about the benefits of Fodder Beet as a feed. The beet harvesting season starts in April for us and we’ve got a busy calendar, with 170ha of Fodder Beet to harvest, up from 50ha last year. Two farmers have doubled their crop size this year after a very successful trial last season, while a number of others are trialling the crop for the first time. To find out more about Fodder Beet, click here.
We look forward to seeing everyone at the Southland A&P Show, and if you have any questions about Fodder Beet or any of our machines, don’t hesitate to give us a call or come and introduce yourself on the day.